It’s almost Christmas and as well as being a most exciting time for our kids, it will be Maisie’s birthday during the holidays. The Big Four and there’s no denying just how far Maisie has come along in recent months. A proud mammy that’s me, she’s a daddy’s girl too, and not just a cute little sister but one who can stand her ground with a shove or a shout but also shower them with loving cuddles and tickles. It hasn’t been the easiest few months parenting wise (and that’s with all three mind) but that’s the reality of bringing up kids these days. They need us so much, and whenever I feel emotionally and physically depleted one foot must still go in front of the other. Just making sure even twenty minutes every day is time spent looking after myself and I’ll feel the better for it. For the first time in years I am sleeping better too. I’ll always look back with rose tinted glasses when I look at their baby pictures but I’m very glad to be out of the sleep deprived era!

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