2 min read
20 Apr

Bailey came into my life when I had finally gotten closure over a long term boyfriend. I had been away with friends for the weekend and once back home I went to collect him. I like to think that he chose me. He was the last pup left, the one with the sore bum but we soon rectified that! The memory of him on my friend’s lap, looking over at me and I at him on the drive back home is one that will always stay with me. He was my first dog and we bonded straight away.

We settled into a routine together. I would take him into my garage studio whilst I worked on my ceramics, taking breaks for cuddles and toilet training. He got used to travelling in the car quickly as we went on lots of walks together. Ards Friary was a favourite, setting off along the gravel path looking out to the scenic estuary, climbing the steep enclave to be rewarded with magnificent views of Sheephaven bay. Then we’d drop down to Lucky Shell Beach and make our way up through the short wooded area only to drop down to my favourite beach in Ards. Sometimes we did this alone or family or visiting friends would join us. But Bailey was always there. 

I had been single for some time, hence the decision to get a puppy. I lived and worked alone and having him changed my life completely. Who would have thought I’d meet my future husband Caolan just a few months later. And so another routine began which saw Bailey and I drive to Dublin and stay with Caolan at his parents home. And Caolan would come to Donegal and we toured the length and breadth of the county, Bailey joining us on every adventure. Caolan loved to mess with him and the two would chase each other endlessly on the many beaches we explored. Caolan says Bailey played an instrumental role in the two of us getting together! Over time it did feel like Caolan was his master but maybe that made me his love.. 

I hope our three kids will know how much Bailey loved being around them. He was an anxious dog, hated being left alone and was prone to licking his paws especially around the time of a new baby! Yet in all of the photos of the kids as babies, Bailey is there. Always beside them. I’m so glad he was. Tom may have annoyed him from time to time, eh tails are not for playing with! Evie loved to follow him around and kept a close eye on him eating his food, sometimes role playing with her own toy doggy. Perhaps as Maisie is the youngest and memories are clearer, I see a special bond between her and Bailey. Not just in the countless photos, but ‘dog’ was Maisie’s first proper Lámh sign. She’s two now but when she was even younger she was always looking for him. More recently she loved to give him proper kisses(she doesn’t give us any!) and lots of hugs. Even more recently he’d be greeted with a growl and a kiss. It was the cutest. I know she really loved him. 

Our little Bailey Bons…my lovely little doggy who’d tilt his head and lift up one paw, who’d disappear on a walk and come back covered in fox poo, who’d have to be put on a lead in the park or else be caught stealing someone’s picnic, who loved to hump the other boy doggies despite being neutered, who survived a fox attack in the garden last year, who liked to sit on the stairs of my parents house and at home blending into the cream couch. We will miss you terribly but you gave us a great life just as we gave you one.  

Bailey lived a fulfilling life until very recently. He was being treated for liver disease since before Christmas and life started to slow down for him. Although he still had little walks, and Caolan put him on top of Maisie’s buggy which he loved. My brother Aidan was very close to Bailey(they even shared the same birthday) and he was Bailey’s main carer whenever we were on holiday without him. Last weekend we went to CentreParks and Aidan was minding him. Our lovely vet had given Bailey a few shots of something miraculous the wkd before and he had sprung back again, but on our return he didn’t eat on the Monday, I knew things were bad when he refused his meds mixed with ice cream. He was very disoriented and that afternoon his legs went completely followed by a short seizure. I wrapped him in a blanket and cuddled him for the two hours before Aidan and I took him to the vet. Caolan and the children said their goodbyes and one last kiss and a growl from Maisie. I kept thanking Bailey at the end. He gave us so much joy and so so many good memories.

So off you go now my little friend and know that you were loved. And the love you gave back was like no other love. My lovely little doggy. Bailey💙 2009-2023

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