1 min read
09 Mar

I realised I havenā€™t mentioned our Bichon  Frise Bailey who at 12years old came into my life at a time when I was feeling quite lonely if Iā€™m honest. I enjoyed my work as a self employed ceramic artist, had a nice group of friends and yet after a string of bad dates and brief unsatisfying relationships, it was time for me to get a companion who I could love and trust completely and that came in the form of my little fluff ball Bailey. I looked after him as if he were my baby and kept diligently to the puppy training book I had ordered and sticking to the golden rule of ā€œno sleeping in the bedā€ with me. He was my constant companion and Iā€™ve wonderful memories of taking him off to the coast for long walks, happy in my own thoughts with him keeping up with me. 

Any youā€™ve heard of the saying ā€œitā€™ll happen when you least expect itā€ and a few months into my new life with Bailey, didnā€™t I meet my future husband Caolan. (I had never heard of the name either in case youā€™re wondering!) we had lots of adventures including camping with Bailey, not to be recommended but back then he came everywhere with us.

Now Bailey is 12 years old and starting to slow down but he is still very much involved in the kids lives. I always look fondly at the photos where heā€™s lying beside one of the kids especially when they were babies. He also takes to sitting in the funniest of places, whether itā€™s Maisieā€™s car seat, a basket of clothes or an opened suitcase if weā€™re packing to go away..wondering are they leaving me or taking me with them?

I do find it tricky with three kids and a dog, it is full on! Just when I think I might have my breakfast, Iā€™ll look down and there he is looking at me wondering where his breakie is. Iā€™m sure he sometimes feels forgotten about but by the time the kids are in bed, youā€™ll find him lying at our feet or snuggled contentedly between us on the sofa. 

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