Another birthday is approaching and soon Maisie will turn 3. I’m glad she’ll be in the best form for it as Christmas was full of illnesses! We were all sick from one thing or another except Caolan but he was shattered due to all the sleepless nights. This Christmas Maisie knew all about Santa and the excitement of Christmas(we had been playing Christmas songs since November😬) so I’m pretty sure she’ll have a blast opening her presents, eating her birthday cake and singing happy birthday to herself.

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It’s summer and Maisie has just turned 2.5years. She is such a character and goes between being very clingy to fiercely independent. It’s a busy time with her siblings at home over the holidays but the weeks are flying by already and come September Maisie will be joining Tom and Evie on the school run, attending a special needs preschool, for one year only before she will begin Montessorri. She is very sociable and I know she will love it, as much as I’ll enjoy some time to myself and returning to work in my garden studio.

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