2 min read
01 Sep

It’s been a while since I posted but the summer holidays meant I had even less time to myself! This morning my daughter Evie started school, I was a bag of nerves yet I knew she’d settle in easily. I took Maisie along and when I stood her up at Evie’s table, she promptly sat on the floor and began to crawl in the direction of the door. Let’s hope when Maisie starts school she won’t do the same… 

Since our last post Maisie has come on leaps and bounds. Having a child with a learning disability for me, often means wondering when will the next milestone be reached. I don’t worry about it, maybe concern is a better word for how I feel but there is much excitement and joy when Maisie does achieve a new milestone.

Throughout the summer Maisie got lots of use out of her Foam Play Steps and Slide which encourages her to climb and strengthen her arm and leg muscles. She crawls up the stairs in the house pretty quickly now but having this particular apparatus meant more fun and involved everyone. Many a happy morning was had messing around on it during those warm spells.

The most memorable day of the summer was when Maisie crawled on all fours for the first time..and it happened to be my birthday!💗

Maisie is at a stage where she loves pulling up to stand using any furniture that allows her to do so, giggling as she does it. On our summer holiday in France, plenty of opportunities to strengthen those muscles came in the form of swings, slides and bars. It was so clear she loved standing up and reaching new heights, listening to her laugh and then have another go and another! Watching her cute face squirm with delight as she slid down the slide is a memory I’ll keep forever. Taking steps up the slide, with our help, was a new experience for Maisie and another place she walked aided was the sea. She was only thrilled to be guided along the shore where broken waves rolled gently towards her, and warm foam trickled over her feet. She was even more excited when I carried her out to let her “surf” the waves just before they broke, letting her feel the buoyancy run through her body. She was buzzing afterwards and I too, delighted for my daughter to love the sea just as I do. 

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