2 min read
10 Feb

My dad has a saying he likes to use when I mention how our holiday is going, “there’s two ways of travelling, with kids and without”. It never ceases to annoy me but it’s so true. Caolan and I agree that our first couple of days are challenging before everyone is settled. Someone is either upset, grumpy or wants to go home(me included) but then the kids find their groove and if they’re happy so are we. 

Evie and Maisie both love the sea despite Evie telling me everyday she won’t be going to the beach. She swam properly for the first time and I was so proud of her. Once we get there, she’ll be the last to leave. Maisie is yet to walk but will take steps holding our hand. She needs no encouragement in the sea and paddles with delight. I love the sea and was so surprised by how warm it was in February. Most days I’d go on my own enjoying some precious time to myself. The others preferred the pool so it was guilt free time too! 

We’re fortunate to have such lovely holidays and it’s important to accept there’ll be ups and downs. The odd time all three will be happy and Caolan and I allow ourselves a glance that says “this is all worth it” even though they’ll be annoying each other again in five mins or Maisie will be spitting out her food. 

The nightly kids disco is a big highlight for our kids. Tom gets his ice cream sundae at the bar. Evie and Maisie love the two mascots, always eager to get the high fives and photos. But Maisie is their biggest fan. Her body moves and shakes upon seeing them, lots of smiles and clapping of hands. After attending a few discos, Maisie was familiar with the routine so whilst all the other kids were chanting the mascots name didn’t she crawl off in the direction of where they would enter. It was too cute! Maisie was her happiest here, bopping to the happy music, enthralled by the colourful larger than life characters. 

Maisie is becoming more independent, wanting to feed herself and she’s very adamant she can put on her own leggings. Sometimes we’ll see her with various items of clothing worn which have been pulled over her head, but these could include Tom’s pants! One morning on holiday having gotten dressed, Maisie crawled over to Evie with her sister’s T-shirt and placed it beside her followed by giving her a hug. So adorable and clever. Evie’s response was just as cute..”I love her” she said. 

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